Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ambient Mini Album: Free Download!

I recently made a few ambient/experimental tracks and compiled them into a mini-album. It is good for naps. Some of the pieces are quite nice if I say so myself (my personal favorites are asign, chimes, and choir). There are 7 total tracks, which I decided to reverse making the album a total of 14 tracks. The track list is as follows:

  1.  asign
  2. chimes
  3. clock water
  4. a bit dif
  5. fith
  6. choir
  7. low e
  8. e wol
  9. riohc
  10. htif
  11. fid tib a
  12. retaw kcolc
  13. semihc
  14. ngisa
You can download all the tracks at